Parent Corner

At PS 207, we truly believe that TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK! Our parents are a HUGE part of our team. We value the support and commitment from our parents to provide the best education possible for our students.

    Learn at home Resources

Get active with your School PTA

Parents/guardians can make a positive difference in their child’s education and school community by actively participating in the Parent Association (PA) or Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). All parents/guardians are automatically members of the school PA/PTA! Through PA/PTAs, you can network, exchange ideas, work together to solve school concerns, and affect school policy and budget decisions.

Ask your parent coordinator about your school’s next scheduled PA/PTA meeting and reach out to other parents to learn more about how you can help your child’s school.

Learn more on the NYC DOE PTA page.

Click on the image above to visit PS 207's PTA site

Begins September 9th, 2024- June 20th, 2025 from 2:30pm - 5:30pm

For pricing or more Info, call:


Click here for After School Program Application

Dear Parents/Guardians of the PS 207 Family,

Welcome new and returning families. We are excited to kick off what we are sure will be another great year at PS 207. All of us at the school- teachers, administrators and support staff- are working hard to make sure that your child/children have a successful year of learning and growth. However, we know that we can’t do this alone. We need your support and involvement. The more involved you are in your child’s education, the more successful your child will be here.

One of the keys to your child’s success will be your ongoing involvement in our school community. Throughout the year, you will have opportunities to meet with your child’s teacher, attend informational sessions on the teaching approaches and participate in workshops on topics of special interest that will be planned and announced throughout the school year.

I urge you to join, attend the Parents’ Association meetings and events. It is an opportunity to meet other parents, to make new friends. The PTA is a valuable source of information and support for you and will offer you opportunities to contribute to our school community.

I invite you to attend the many events we host to celebrate our student’s success. As your child’s first and most important teacher, we also need you to help us get to know your child so that we can offer him/her the best learning experience possible.

I am available to each and every one of you to provide information, answer questions, help you access resources for your child and help you resolve problems that you or your child may encounter in the school. Please feel free to come to the main office, call me or email me when you need assistance.

All of us at PS 207 are very happy that you and your child are part of our family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your child get settled into the new school year.


Laura Polanco

Parent Coordinator

Office (718) 796-9645 



Estimados Padres / Tutores de la familia PS 207:

Bienvenidos familias nuevas y que regresan. Estamos emocionados de comenzar lo que estamos seguros que será otro gran año en la escuela PS 207. Todos nosotros en la escuela (maestros, administradores y personal de apoyo) estamos trabajando arduamente para asegurarnos de que su hijo / a tenga un año exitoso de aprendizaje. y crecimiento. Sin embargo, sabemos que no podemos hacer esto solos. Necesitamos su apoyo y participación. Cuanto más involucrado esté en la educación de su hijo, más éxito tendrá su hijo aquí.

Una de las claves del éxito de su hijo será su participación continua en nuestra comunidad escolar. A lo largo del año, tendrá la oportunidad de reunirse con el maestro de su hijo, asistir a sesiones informativas sobre los enfoques de enseñanza y participar en talleres sobre temas de especial interés que se planificaran y anunciarán a lo largo del año escolar.

Los instó a unirse, asistir a las reuniones y eventos de la Asociación de Padres. Es una oportunidad para conocer a otros padres, hacer nuevos amigos. La PTA es una valiosa fuente de información y apoyo para usted y le ofrecerá oportunidades para contribuir a nuestra comunidad escolar.

Los invito a asistir a los muchos eventos que organizamos para celebrar el éxito de nuestros estudiantes. Como el primer y más importante maestro de su hijo, también necesitamos que nos ayude a conocer a su hijo para que podamos ofrecerle la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje posible.

Estoy disponible para todos y cada uno de ustedes para brindarles información, responder preguntas, ayudarlos a acceder a recursos para su hijo y ayudarlos a resolver los problemas que usted o su hijo puedan encontrar en la escuela. No dude en venir a la oficina principal, llamarme o enviarme un correo electrónico cuando necesite ayuda.

Todos en la escuela PS 207 estamos muy felices de que usted y su hijo sean parte de nuestra familia. Por favor, avíseme si hay algo que pueda hacer para ayudarlo a usted y a su hijo a adaptarse al nuevo año escolar.


Laura Polanco

Coordinador de Padres

Oficina (718) 796-9645



Early Childhood


Do you have concerns about your child's development? Has your child been diagnosed with a disability and you’re not sure where to start?

Learn more about child development, the early intervention process, and how to make the most out of your special education experience. You’ll also find fun activities for your child all year round, as well as where you can get more support. Click the links under the categories below for more information.

Learn about Services and Supports for Children From Birth through Age 3

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Learn about Services and Supports for Children From Birth through Age 5

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Book an Early Childhood Workshop

  Special Education

All students with disabilities who  require special education services have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The IEP contains information about your child's interests, strengths, needs, goals, and educational program. It is a legal document that describes how the DOE will provide your child:

Find Out More

Parent University

Register and enroll for a course today!

Sign in HERE with your NYCSA account 

Classes for NYC Families

Parent University seeks to educate and empower families as partners, advocates, and lifelong educators in their student's education through free courses, resources, events, and activities.

Universidad de Padres

¡Regístrese e inscríbase en un curso hoy!

 Inicie sesión aquí con su cuenta NYCSA

Clases para familias de la ciudad de Nueva York

Parent University busca educar y empoderar a las familias como socios, defensores y educadores de por vida en la educación de sus estudiantes a través de cursos, recursos, eventos y actividades gratuitos.

Early Childhood 

Family Toolkit

Our favorite resources to keep kids learning, playing, and growing healthy

P-EBT food Benefit

Important update for P-EBT food benefits covering the 2020-21 school year

New York State continues to distribute EBT pandemic food benefits to all households with eligible children who receive free school lunches under the National School Lunch Law. Here are important updates to the distribution as of Monday, June 6, 2022:

OTDA is distributing summer 2021 P-EBT food benefits to eligible students who are not part of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or Public Assistance household.

OTDA will continue to distribute summer P-EBT benefits in batches during June to eligible children in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or Public Assistance households, or who received their P-EBT food benefits for the 2020 school year- 21 on a Medicaid card. Please check back here for the latest updates to this distribution.

Each eligible student will receive $375 in food benefits.

Beneficiary households should receive a text message alert when their food benefits are distributed. Families can check to see if the summer benefit has been deposited

Nearly all eligible children statewide whose in-person attendance was reduced during the 2020-21 school year due to the pandemic received their P-EBT food benefits. You can check your family's P-EBT food benefit transaction history by visiting or by calling 1-888-328-6399. 


 All K-12 students and their parents or caregivers are invited to call Mondays through Thursdays between 4 and 7 p.m. to get free homework help from a licensed teacher.

Many of the teachers are bilingual, and Dial-A-Teacher can assist students and families in 10 languages, including

NYC Public Schools Speak Your Language!

Parents have the right to receive information or communicate with a staff member at their school or Department of Education (DOE) office in their language. If you or someone you know needs help, tell your school’s principal or parent coordinator, call the DOE at (718) 935-2013 or email

Important Translation Resources

Find a few of the DOE’s translation resources on the DOE public website and Info Hub, including: